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Dutton Project

Started by OBR, 02, June, 2011, 08:33:55 AM

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Hi Guys,

Just thought I'd start a thread on the project i've just purchased.  After a lot of searching i've found a cheap project Dutton Melos which I plan to build my own bodywork for. 

I'm getting it on Saturday so will put some pics up then, but certainly should be an 'interesting' one!


Quote from: obr_technology on 02, June, 2011, 08:33:55 AM
Hi Guys,

Just thought I'd start a thread on the project i've just purchased.  After a lot of searching i've found a cheap project Dutton Melos which I plan to build my own bodywork for. 

I'm getting it on Saturday so will put some pics up then, but certainly should be an 'interesting' one!

Good news.....Please keep us updated with pics of the build also...If you can.

                               Denzle.... ;)


Thanks Denzle,

The only pics I have at the moment are from ebay but show the 'potential' of the project!

I'm aiming to make my own bodywork and fit a bike engine into it, over the next few years, but in the mean time to be able to get it running and MOT'd so I can start to join you guys on runs etc.


Should be an interesting project.

Is it currently registered?  If not IVA will be a challenge.

I think I am 100% accurate in saying that there isn't currently a Melos that has been through SVA or IVA as they are quite old kits.

The Dutton Owners club is very active and full of clever people.  How do I know this?  I built a Dutton Pheaton that was thank fully already registered.  It would never have passed SAV let alone the current IVA regs.

If you have not already done so, go on line and buy a IVA manual, and take lots and lots of photos, it's all part of the proof required that you built the car.



Sorry, forgot to say it has a V5 with it.  I would have bought something far more pretty if I was going to go through the IVA system!

I've signed up to the Dutton owners club, but really like it on here and as I will be keeping th car in Bristol think its nice to keep a page here updated.

'The Gaffer'

Looks like a great project. Your progress pics will be very interesting.

Hopefully a run out or two soon :)


Great, thanks.

Sadly this time of year is pretty busy at work, but as soon as I can get out on it i'll be cracking on and really looking forward to a run out.


Right then, the previous owner delivered the car today having set off from Surrey at 8 so was on the drive by 10!  I've signed and sent the V5 off, which is a Q plate and clearly states Dutton which was something I was keen on!

So it arrived full to the brim with spares, water and a fair bit of rubbish.  As we stood there with a cup of tea before the chap set off back up the motorway he said 'I think you have a bargain there, especially with the 5 speed box'.  I almost spat my tea out, having thought that it was a standard four speed, so well chuffed with that.  There was also a spare set of Dutton wheels which look like wellers to me, but with D shaped cutouts.  He was keen to fire it up, which I wasn't too worried about as I didn't want to draw anything left in the old fuel through into the carb, however it started straight away and purred like a kitten.  I know it might seem like i'm suprised that it isn't too bad as a project, but I bought it unseen and the previous owner had advertised it pretty badly.

Anyway, here's a few pics so let me know your thoughts:

'The Gaffer'

The car looks in pretty good condition to me :)


I agree with Phil.

Looks too good to re-body or modify.  I have always liked the Melos and yours looks like it will make a good car.  Bit of a bargain, and to have a V5 with "Dutton" on it ticks all the boxes.  Well done.



Thanks Mark,

I do agree about being a bit too nice to modify so i'll probably take the whole body off and store it safely back at my parents place rather than cutting it about and spoiling it.


Hello everyone,

Well its been a busy couple of weeks and after doing a bit of work on the car in Bristol I've taken it to work to try and crack on with it.

My aim is to do as many nights as possible until the end of term in order to get it MOT'd, then bring it back to Bristol (or Yatton as thats where we are looking to move to) to work on it over the summer.  Anyway, i've got it up in the air and all seems to be well so have got a list together and am cracking on.  Out of interest does anyone know anything about Type 9 boxes?  Mine doesn't have a speedo cable connected and this leads me to two questions, firstly should it be leaking oil if it is not connected as that may mean I don't have any oil in the box and secondly what does the gearbox end of the cable look like as the box doesn't appear to have a protruding connector.  Also, sorry for all the questions but is a cable available for a Type 9 to escort speed as a convertor?  Secondly, what do I do about seats?  Any suggestions?

Anyway, heres a few pics, if anyone can help i'd appreciate it!


Well after many a long evening in the workshop, i've booked the MOT.

Its a bit premature (next thurs) but I think a deadline should help to push it along.

I've made the seats, stipped loads off the car to order new and done loads of little jobs which seem to have taken ages but i;m sure you all know what its like.

Anyway, i'll either have an MOT or a list of bit to complete but either way should be ready for a meet soon.

I've just sorted a house in Yatton with a garage, so will be fairly close to Bristol and have the space to strip down and sort the body /chassis out over the winter.


Great pics, thanks for taking the time to post them :).  Good plan to get it safe and legal and have some fun this summer and plan work for the winter.  Good luck with the MOT on the 7th, nothing like a deadline to get things done!
Keep up the good work, cheerz, JT


Thanks JT.

Got the brakes working today, so just need electrics, seat belts and to finish recovering the seats.

Its going to be close, but as long as I get it done before going on holiday on 14th I'll be happy.

Hope to see you all at some meets soon.

'The Gaffer'



Well it passed the MOT back in mid July, the day before I went away on holiday so having just got back i'm planning on enjoying it!

To be honest even just driving to the MOT station it was a bit 'hairy' and I think that a bit of redesigning of the rear suspension to sort out/get rid of the leaf springs is in order.

'The Gaffer'

If anyone can do it, you can :)


Haha, thanks.

I drove it from college (Bridgwater) where it was stored to Yatton where the new garage is and it was good fun.  Really needs the screen fitting as anything above about 30mph and my glasses struggle to keep my eyes from watering.

Well its in the garage now so should see some progress in order to make it look a bit prettier and stop it handing like a pig!

Was sorry to see you had sold your Riot, any ideas on what you might get as a replacement?  I can't imagine you could be so heavily involved in a club and not feel the itch for something new quite quickly!

'The Gaffer'

Good luck with the car, you will have some real fur when it feel's safe.

Yes, its a bit strange running a kit car club without owning a kit car. Not really sure what's next.. maybe an Ariel Atom ;)


Indeed, should be interesting...

Regarding a new project, do you know much about MEV?

A colleague of mine is looking into the tR1ke and I saw their Rocket on the stand at Goodwood.  The concepts for both are certainly nice.

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