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Kit car virgin needs help

Started by Pitlips, 09, June, 2011, 02:21:10 PM

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Hi guy's

I've hankerd after a kit car for many years but have never owned one. The time has come for me to now break open the wallet and get one! Trouble is I'm not sure what to get!
I'm thinking I should probably start with a second hand or factory built car as I'm not exactly a skilled mechanic and I've no idea how hard they are to build.
I want a 7 type car and I think I've got it down to 2 companies.
I've been offered a 300bhp mx5 turbo engine sr2 from roadrunner racing that they are currently building and a 2009 mnr vortx factory built with an r1 engine both around the same price.
Can anyone offer any help or advice pleeeeaassee? These companies are so far away I want to make as much of a decision before I go.
Does anyone have a bec in Bristol? I've never been in any kit car but I guess the bec is the most different to a normal car?
Has anyone been in or driven an mnr vortx or sr2?

Sorry to babble on but I guess you've all been in this position at some point so know what it's like.

Any comments would be very much appriceated. I live in cam near dursley in Gloucestershire by the way.


'The Gaffer'

Hi there Ryan and a warm welcome to our club :)

I have no experience in either car sorry but 300 BHP? That would be a seriously modified engine.

Having own'd both bike engined and car engined cars all I can say is they both have pro's and cons. In short, BEC's are exciting, sound good, but can be a little more work around town, especially if the car does not have reverse. BEC's tend to come into their own on track - manic revs and great fun.

A car engined kit car, dependant on spec, can be very quick too. They are a little easier to drive around town sedately but are equally at home on track.

It really comes down to in some respect what the car is going to be used for.

Why not come to a meet and have a chat, sometimes there is a range of cars there, sometimes not, but we are a friendly bunch all interested in the same thing.


Welcom again!

That's a huge amount of power in a kit car and no doubt you'll have loads of fun.  I don't know much about these things and drive a fairly entry level Westfield with an old style car engine, carburettors and a 4 speed box.  Despite that, it's still flipping brilliant and a great buzz compared with the other cars i've owned/driven.

It depends what you want but it's not necessarily all about power, also consider handling, geometery width of seats (people that like pies can't get in my car) etc etc so you might find that a lower power with a more sorted car will be better all round.  In fact a lovely Westfield has just sold on this forum with 200+ Bhp and was damn fast anyway.  300+ might weld your eyeballs to the back of your seats if you are not careful!  WSCC often has a big range for sale and might be worth a look to see what you can get for your money.  A massive engine in a badly built car might look like a fish but it'll handle like a cow.

Either way the only advice that I can give is look around and consider the whole package of the car, not just the engine.  To give you a bench mark i'd be happy to show you/take you out in mine so you can see what "entry level" is all about.  I live north Bristol, not far from Yate.  If you can grab a ride in a BEC you'll see the range available and probably be able to figure out where your requirements sit within.

Good luck looking/buying and have fun!


Thanks for the quick replies I'll certainly try and get to the next meet, is it this weekend?

Thanks also for the offer of a ride in the westfield, I'd love to, my uncle had one when I was a kid and I remember it being amazing!

I'll mostly be using the car for balsts on sunny days and track days so I want it to be fast and exciting! I was initially thinking of a bec but 300bhp sounded pretty good too but i also wonder if it might be a bit much I can't imagine you'd be able to get on full throttle very often?!

Does anyone have a bec in the club? I used to work with Mark who had the MK Indyblade but left the company before I had a chance to get a go in it and I believe he's sold it now  :'(


Welcome Ryan, loads of BEC's in the BKCC!

'The Gaffer'

Maybe Pete (Hairy Santa) will be at the next meet on this Sunday in his Turbo'd Busa BEC?

300hp power to weight would be pretty extreme in a kit, I would double check the spec from the sellers. The engine alone would be £££££'s

Hairy Santa

Hi Ryan

Welcome to the nut house, you certainly have picked the right club mate, we have a bit of all sorts car wise within the club, and there also is a vast amount of knowledge kicking around within the members

300bhp into 5- 600kg - quite lethal, plus fair bit of TLC needed

I am going Sunday as will quite a few others so your best will be come along and have a natter as has been said already

you do need a car thats sorted and straight from the factory is not that as I have learnt from experience, and as said you have just missed one real steal only a few months ago

all  the best


dont forget to bring your cheque book, it may be possible to sway some one to flog you his car - he he   


Hi Ryan,
             And welcome to the best club in the UK.
You will get all the help and advise you need here mate. Nice to have you on board.

                                            Denzle.... ;)


wow a busa turbo engine car! the stuff of legend!!! is it as fast as they say??

I think a bike engine is the way I want to go..... i want something crazy! the 300bhp car is being built by roadrunner racing as their next demo car.

I'm 6'2 but built like a rake! I want a full cage will I fit in most cars? I understand some are quite small?

Pete, do you mean that factory built cars are not always the best built? Are they very hard to build?

Thanks again, this is a huge help

Hairy Santa

There are a few cars out there that actually cater for you taller chaps but being only a little shortass I have never took on board which, the main prob for you will be the knees under the dash I would think, so you will prob be best trying to sit in a few cars

factory is ok, but there are speciaist builders, but also private chaps who know what they are doing and go that little bit further on the car, therefore you end up with a better finished and well sorted car

anyways see you Sunday evening with a bit of luck from the weather   



Welcome to the club. I too wanted a BEC and bought a fireblade Stuart Taylor last July and absolutely love it!

As Pete has said try and sit in a few, I am also 6'2" and didn't have a problem getting in mine, but I guess there is always some movement by re bolting the seat a bit further back - within limits.

A non cat fireblade engine gives around 120-130bhp, which in a car of under 500kg (not including the driver!) provides 250-300bhp/tonne, not quite a turbo busa but it is still great fun and pretty fast.

From what I understand the busa engine is probably the best to go for, more bhp and torque than the blade engine, but as I say I am really happy with mine, more than enough to beat most cars on the road and have great fun on the track.

I am quite a way from Bristol, but will be a the Caring with Cars on the 9th July (the info is in the events /meeting section) with a few of the Bristol guys, if you can make it there we can talk some more if you want.



I'd love to thanks Rich I'll def try and get there.
How much do you guys think would need to be spent to get a good bec?
I went to castle combe today and watching the cars on track made me want one even more!! shame there wasn't any bec's there.

'The Gaffer'

Good place to start is here http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/list.asp?s=141

£7.5K to £15K should get you something decent but you could easily spend more.


is anyone going to Newark next Sunday?
Is there any makes I should stay away from?


what do you guys think of this? http://www.pro-van.co.uk/car-sales/mnr-vortex-fireblade.htm

Its a factory built car but is the old style chassis, square tube. Would this engine be slow compaired to an R1?

Just seems decent value and maybe a good place to start?



also is it possible to paint a gel coat which i guess this car has?



or maybe this one? http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/2918493.htm I don't know anything about the aries though, has anyone had one?



I am no expert, but when I was considering my Stuart Taylor Motorsport (now the Aries) I was told that it had a really good chassis. I have been really pleased with mine.
When I was looking last year it was difficult to find any bike engined mnr vortex under £8-9k.
Like I say, no expert, but hope this helps - perhaps take a good look at the BEC on pistonheads - that may give you an idea of what goes for what.


Furore Phil

Quote from: Pitlips on 13, June, 2011, 06:07:24 PM
also is it possible to paint a gel coat which i guess this car has?


yeah - easy enough. I think most kit cars eventually get painted.


Thanks guys I think the Stuart Taylor locoblade looks like a better car but I prefer the look of the mnr.
Do you think I'd be better holding on and spending more on a newer car or getting one of these to start with and see how I get on?
The locoblade advert says he had a false neutral on his last trackday and the gear display only shows neutral. Does this sound expensive to fix?


'The Gaffer'

Quote from: Pitlips on 14, June, 2011, 10:15:26 AM
The locoblade advert says he had a false neutral on his last trackday and the gear display only shows neutral. Does this sound expensive to fix?

There's no need to buy something that's already broken, save yourself the hassle and move on to something you can drive.

knuckle head

Hi there I have been considering selling my car as babys are on the table and need to sort out a few things..this is a link to my youtube page with pics and videos of the car.    If you interested drop me a message and we can talk.  thanks


wow thats a great looking car!!
I'm really looking for something with a bike engine and a full cage but I do love the vauxhall engine!
How much are you thinking of selling it for?

'The Gaffer'

Try to keep it mate, its a great car :(

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