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Just saying 'Hi'

Started by Woobag, 21, June, 2011, 11:09:23 PM

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I'm a Westie owner from just outside Cheltenham. Member of the WSCC and go to Cotswold meetings where I've heard lots of good things about the BKCC  :)
So I thought I'd drop in and join you guys. The Westie is a 2.1 Pinto running a bike carb setup.

So - Hi everybody!


'The Gaffer'

Hi Simon and a warm welcome to our club. Hope to see you at a meet or event soon.


Hi Simon, welcome to the forum.


David H


Hi Simon

I am over in Gloucester so not far from you.  After my first meeting with the BKCC I can certainly vouch that they are a very friendly bunch.  Look forward to seeing you soon, check the post regarding Hampton Ferry show which is in Evesham so just on our doorstep.  I hope to be there.




Hi mate. I live just across from Malmesbury, so not too distant.

Welcome to the club.



Hi Simon, Welcome to the club.
If you want a run out, why not join our convoy going up to the Hampton Ferry Car Show on Sunday 3rd July.
We're stopping enroute at the Highway Chef, A417 nr Duntisbourne between 10.10 and 10.30. You could join our scenic run to the Show.?


         Hi simon i'm also a newb may see u at hampton ferry car show

Bulldog Bri

Welcome to the club Simon.


'Mendip Wurzel'

Welcome Simon, great to have you onboard


Hello Simon and welcome to the best club in the UK.

You have come to the right place to meet a great bunch of lads who are only too glad to help in any way possible.... 8)

How about meeting some of our members at the Hampton Ferry Car Show at Hampton Ferry, Boat lane, Evesham. WR11 4BP on Sunday July 3rd.

All in support of the Birmingham Childrens Hospital. Oncology Unit.(Cancer Ward)
There are some great raffle prizes to be won.

You could be the first to win the trophy and annual cup with your name and car engraved.
Again a very warm welcome to the club.

                                 Cheers...Denzle... ;)


Wow. thanks for the welcome everyone.
Still deciding whether to go to the Goodwood Festival of Speed on July 3rd.
If I don't go then I'd love to join the convoy!




Quote from: Woobag on 22, June, 2011, 11:15:21 PM
Wow. thanks for the welcome everyone.
Still deciding whether to go to the Goodwood Festival of Speed on July 3rd.
If I don't go then I'd love to join the convoy!


Make the most of the weekend.......A hairy Goodwood on the Saturday..
                                       And a relaxed Hampton Ferry on the Sunday.

Now thats what I call a weekend of fun.... 8)   Only a suggestion mate....lol    ;D


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