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Started by SPAXIMUS, 25, July, 2011, 04:57:45 PM

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Hi All,

My name is Jeff Oakley and I am a serial westfield owner, indeed up to recemtly I was the AO for the Westfiled Club in Bristol and Bath. sadly that has folded at the moment as I had no time to carry on with it and no one would step up to help. I know many of the guy's in the BKCC and the way it has grown has been impressive.

At the moment I have two Westfields, one for the road and one for track but due to work and health have not used the road one enough (374 miles lasyt year) and not yet finished the track car (so near yet so far).

In total I have owned four built three and had a hand in many more in the area, but I do not confine my interests to those car as anything different gets my vote.

I hope to meet more of you in due course.


'The Gaffer'

Hi Jeff and a warm welcome to our club :)

Meets and events are a bit thin on the ground at the moment, and most of what we have organised this year has been badly effected by rain.

That said, I hope things will liven up and look forward to seeing you again soon.



Hello and welcome Jeff ;D


hi and welcome



Hi Jeff, I have just joined the BKCC myself so I haven't met anyone yet so you prob know more people than me. I also resently join the WSCC aswell & like you said I have discovered the local one has folded for now, though I did find out by going to the bull inn & the landlord told me. Never mind I injoyed the drive out.  ;D
I've only had my westfield for a month so any imput & advise from you will be good to hear so welcome.  :)


Welcome Jeff....nice to have you on board with all the building knowledge etc.... ;)


Bulldog Bri

Hello and welcome Jeff, great to have you aboard.  ;D



Hi Jeff. Welcome to the BKCC!


Hi Jeff

Welcome to the BKCC, I have known Jeff for many years and what he doesn't know about Westfields isn't worth knowing.  He will be a valuable asset to the club and look forward to seeing you at a meet soon.

Sorry to hear about your health problems and hope that you will be back in full swing soon.

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