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big hello from Holland to all the fellow kitcar fans

Started by alex911, 18, September, 2012, 06:14:08 PM

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Hi everyone,
I'm a Dutchman who is grazy about your English Kitcars for many years. .what can I say...I own happely Sylva Mojo and the drive gives me everytime a thrill.
Now I am looking for a second kitcar and I searching  your districs for a special one. Usally older kitcars I find the most intresting .The grazy years of the eighties are over
but there are still kitcarbuilders arond who dare to be different. I have 100% repect for them. I love the cc cyclone and Dare DZ (not really a kitcar) and I would be fantastic if I can track down a Kamala....does anyone know if there is a register where I can find/look them up...maybe there is some one who wants to sell theirs..
I know arond 25 of them were build and I'm wondering how many Kamala Futuro's there are.. If some knows please let me know..

Till later happy driving  Alex


Welcome along Alex, Firstly to be English you have to be crazy  ;D ;D ;D ;D Do you have any bike engine kit cars over in Holland?
I also respect those who build there own kit car. Rather them than me  :)


Welcome alex.
Sorry i cant help but im sure someone here will be able to help.
Good luck on your search.

'The Gaffer'

Hi Alex and a warm welcome to our club. Hope you find what you are looking for.

Hairy Santa

Hi Alex welcome to the mad house

I know not a thing about the cars you are after but keep your eye on pistonheads, something will normally turn up

great to have you on board



Hi Alex

Welcome to the crazy, crazy world of the BKCC, it's good humoured banter, plus great support and comararderie all the way with us lot. 

If you are looking for a very well sorted track car that is different from the norm and will embarass some expensive "normal" cars then my Marlin 5exi is for sale.  Check out the For Sale section of this website for full details.

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