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Started by BoostLee, 09, June, 2013, 06:48:19 PM

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Hi all ,
My name is Lee and in from Swindon .
I dont have a kit car as yet but have love for "7" style car's  8)

I've been urming and aring about getting one for almost as long as i can rember but end up thinking the time isnt right for some reason .

Well i'm at that point again .
The argument is as follows ......
The practicality - well my wifes car is very so maybe not so much of an  issue , Though we both work shift's at the Hospital & they dont always line up .
Second car - i cant afford two of my own but i mainly only use my current car at weekend's / everning's . So could i just make do with only a 7 & the wife's car ????? Maybe .
The big one is i dont have a garage  :( But i could maybe rent one ? There are plenty arround where i live , Do i trust leaving it in a garage i cant see though :-/
The Great British weather - Well my current car is a Nissan S13 200sx and it too is'nt a fan of the rain , sure it's drivable but only if your carfull .
So fairly comparible all be it with a roof lol

Anyway to aid me in my desision making i was looking into maybe hiring a 7 and came across your forum .
From the outside it looks like a very nice one at that .
So here i am  8)
I'll be soaking up as much info as poss .

Regards Lee


Hi Lee, welcome to the club.
I had that very same thought about getting a 7 style car myself but when I got one I never regretted it. but I didn't have the added problem of no garage & no second car so you do have a tougher decision.  ???
If you do deside I also had the advantage of knowing someone who new alot about them & helped me get the best one with the budget I had.  :D

As you are from swindon & if your free next sunday? 15 of our cars will be at Dyram Park, parked in front of the mansion house, which ain't far off the bath junction on the M4. Come down & say hello.

Failing that you can come to any of our normal meetings & if you look on our calender there will be plenty of outings you can come join us on & talk to us about the sort of thing you are after & what you want from your 7?

Your also welcome for a passenger ride in mine sometime to get a feel as to what they are like?  I would recommend coming to our Llandow trackday on 29th june. You will find afew of our 7's there & willing to take you out.  :D



Welcome along Lee,
I love mine but it is used as a second car and ideally not when its raining... You can get full wet gear for most but another thing to take into account in a heater!! I don't have one nor does mine have any wet gear..
They are also very light (480kg for mine) and being RWD as you know they are lively in the wet  :D :D
Like Colin said try to pop along to a meet and take a closer look at them. YOu are also welcome to have a ride in my Mk Indy.. Its running a Fireblade engine and is a real blast. In fact even the car engines one are a blast.


Hi Lee, welcome to the forum!

I wanted one for years but kept thinking up reasons not to get one.

Once you drive one you will be hooked so beware!!! ::)

Won't be without it now.....great for relieving stress and clearing your head as well with a good blast down your favourite roads. ;) ;)



Thanks for the warm welcome all ,
Will definatly attend some meet's / drive outs .
Though i cant do this Sunday as im working and on the 29'th i will be at santa pod .
I will however be going to castle combe on the 23rd  8)

Will you have a club stand there or are you just meeting up before and going in convoy ??

Regards Lee


We should have a stand there. The organizer has said they will reserve us spaces together once the form deadline has expired.  :D
Hopefully see you there then.  :)

Camber Dave

Hi and welcome to the club

Severn Hire rent out Caterhams from £175 / day See http://www.sevenhire.co.uk/

A mate of mine got one to compare to his existing car. The day was also a gift from his wife.
It is an excellent way of getting into the scene.

As noted above others here will give you a ride to experience the feel of a bike engine version.
All sevens are very different to each other (even 'production' Westfields) as most are built by the user and reflect their own preferences.
Try as many as you can before you buy.



Thanks for the info .  I do have a birthday coming up , maybe i'll sugest that to my wife :-) . Will come and say hello at combe

Bulldog Bri

Belated Hello from me as well.  ;D


'The Gaffer'

Hi and a warm welcome to our club :)

Get a garage and half the battle is over. Then look at a kit you like, you might find one to look over at one of our meets. Decide what you you want, bike or car engine, both have their merits.

Not sure I would personally have a kit as a daily driver thus my swing to a quick roadster  but if you can make it work, the raw feel of a fast kit car is hard to beat.


Thanks for the further welcomes and advice .

Looks like i can get a garage near me for about £8 to £9 per week so thats not to bad .
Though still not sure about leaving a car in a garage that i cant see from my house - Maybe when i go and look at them i'll feel better about it ?

I think i'll probally go for a car engined kit just cos i've been tinkering with them for years and i know nothing about bike engines . That and i've heard it can be hard to pass a db check for some track day's with a bec .
Definatly agree that useing it as daily drive could be a bit much , but i dont currently use my 200 as one so i sure i could cope lol :-)



BEC do struggle on the old db test but can be sorted if you are really willing to.. I just cant be arsed but look driving it on the roads.. :D


Hi and welcome :D

As already said, once bitten you're hooked! even when the weather is less than ideal, there are always ways to make the 7 more useable ;)



Thanks JB ,

I quite like this one at the mo

What do you guy's think ??
The only thing i'm not so keen on is the front indicators , what are they attached to ?


Quote from: BoostLee on 18, June, 2013, 11:11:37 PM
Thanks JB ,

What do you guy's think ??
The only thing i'm not so keen on is the front indicators , what are they attached to ?

Looks like a pretty decent car. Couldn't say about the price as I have no idea what they are fetching.

As for the indicators, it looks like maybe someone has built those 'things' on the car to perhaps keep Mr SVA/IVA man happy? Or maybe they are just to keep the cr*p out of the suspension a little?


Looks very tidy. And those seats do look well comfy...
As for the indicators!! Just take em off and buy ones that's you like..


The good thing about kit cars is that it is easy to change the things your not happy with.  :D
Hope to see you sunday & you can see some of ours.  :D

I just hope it will be dry.  ::) :)


Yeh i'm hoping for good wether too .
I have also just found and taking a likeing to this one

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