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Tetbury Classic Car show

Started by Moleman, 12, June, 2013, 09:00:45 PM

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Colin, what time are you meeting at the lay-by?

Jan is still not well enough to go so I will be on my own.



What lay-by  :D I'm still not sure what time I'm leaving.. Wife's working till about 11 but due to her health issues she wont know until on the day if she's up for it..


This layby steve.

I will be meeting Wallnut here for 10am. Hope this helps?

If it is raining though I may not bother as I get soaked from my front tyres even with the weather gear on. It only works if i'm not moving! >:( :( :D


I think the show opens at 11:00 so won't 10 be a bit early?


On there letter they ask everyone to be there by 10.00


If we meet there at 10am then we will still get there before the 11am opening time they are after.  :)



Looks like Tetbury is only 20 miles away so i will shoot up the A350.
Not sure i can make it before 11 so hopefully i can still get in...
Lets see what the weather brings us..


Firstly thanks to Colin for getting this sorted. Ok weather was touch 'n' Go and I left at 2pm but what a great selection of Classic cars/bikes/trucks/buses.. Makes me want to buy one  ;D


Yep, good show and a nice selection for all tastes. Weather held off just about, got a little rain halfway home but nothing too bad.

Shame there were so few BKCC though, seems to be the norm unfortunately :( But thanks Colin for organising ;)


It did turn out ok. I got there in the end. I had starting probs which seem to be fine now.  ::) :)
It was a good show, lots of cars on a very nice flat field with alot of room for everyone.  :)

Just a few pic's.

Sorry no show girl's.  ;D


The show was crap. there were no dancing girls.............LOL


May be we can ask Phil to sort some Club Girls for our meet's.. I'm sure we wont mind paying a little towards them  :D :D

Sprint 7

Seems like you had a good time and am really sorry that I was unable to go but needs must with work, as I said in an  earlier comment. So when is the next sortie Colin so that I can wear  my new racing boots in the "7" Te he he !!!  :P

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