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Tetbury Classic Car show

Started by Moleman, 12, June, 2013, 09:00:45 PM

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This event is sponsored by Tetbury Audi,  Sunday 8th September 2013  11am -­‐ 4pm
at the Dolphin Hall & Memorial Recreation Ground
New Church Street, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8DS
including Classic, Veteran & Vintage Vehicle Show for more details:

Motorcycles Ÿ* Commercial Vehicles * Buses * Bar* BBQ* Lunches Club stands Ÿ* Sideshows * Autojumble

Top dealers from the area exhibiting new cars Lots for the family to see and do Free entry for vehicle exhibitors.  spectators £3 Seniors £2 under 16s go free.
All proceeds donated to Allsorts -­‐ a Gloucestershire Charity supporting children & young people with additional needs & disabilities aged 0 -­‐ 24 years and their families.

We can arrange a few meeting points for this one in convoy if you like as it's a nice little drive up to tetbury which should take too long.  :)
They are already Half full & There is a form to fill in but they will let me fill one in for all of us as a club entry. So no need to do this guys.  :)
So who is interested in this one? & who would like to go up in convoy?



You all got to do this one, Charly and his Mrs. might invite us round for tea after the show.......LOL


White 4 sugars for me  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Ive got an application form.. Just need to fill it out and mail it off..


If it's easier I can do a club form to save everyone doing a form. I will be booking a club spaces aswell.

Anyone else up for this? :)

I will need to know soon as they are half full already?

'The Gaffer'

Can you leave whenever you want? Or are you trapped in there for the day if exhibiting?


Quote from: 'The Gaffer' on 21, June, 2013, 09:56:20 PM
Can you leave whenever you want? Or are you trapped in there for the day if exhibiting?

I have spoken to the organizer who seems pretty laid back about it. The only thing he said was spaces was filling up fast so don't take too long to apply for spaces.
I will check next week.  :)

Bulldog Bri

Think we'll be up for this one too.



Think I'm down to deliver training in Munich that week, but there's no one booked on the course yet so hopefully it will be cancelled. So put me (and hopefully Jan) down as a hopeful tentative :)


Ive had my pass come through for this one Pich number 197


Ok I will start a list for this one.  :)
                                                   1, Moleman
                                                   2, Wallnut
                                                   3, Fullpint
                                                   4, Bulldog Bri
                                                   5, Pilgrim Anna
                                                   6, Yellabelly  (maybe)
                                                   7, ANYONE ELSE?
I will sort out a convoy for this closer to the time?  :D


Ok.  Back to the event.  :)

                                                   1, Moleman
                                                   2, Wallnut
                                                   3, Fullpint
                                                   4, Bulldog Bri
                                                   5, Pilgrim Anna
                                                   6, Yellabelly  (maybe)
                                                   7, The Gaffer (maybe)
                                                   8, ANYONE ELSE?

Please feel free to put your name down even if you are a maybe as I will need to know to fill in a Club entry Form for us all.  :D
I will sort out a convoy for this closer to the time?  :D


Cheers Colin for sorting out the forms.. You are a star..


                                                   1, Moleman
                                                   2, Wallnut
                                                   3, Fullpint
                                                   4, Bulldog Bri
                                                   5, Pilgrim Anna
                                                   6, Yellabelly  (maybe)
                                                   7, The Gaffer (maybe)
                                                   8, Grin a lot (maybe)

Hairy Santa

yep that's a maybe from me also

Sprint 7

ooops I forgot to mention that I hope to be at Tetbury too  :D


Anyone else up for this?  :D
                                                   1, Moleman
                                                   2, Wallnut
                                                   3, Fullpint
                                                   4, Bulldog Bri
                                                   5, Pilgrim Anna
                                                   6, Yellabelly  (maybe)
                                                   7, The Gaffer (maybe)
                                                   8, Grin a lot (maybe)
                                                   9, Hairy Santa (maybe)
                                                 10, sprint7  (maybe)


I hope to be ready for this one, so another possible.


Quote from: 'The Gaffer' on 21, June, 2013, 09:56:20 PM
Can you leave whenever you want? Or are you trapped in there for the day if exhibiting?
[Most shows ask you to stay untill a certain time.
But as for trapping you in there, thats something they cant do, It would be polite to see a steward and tell them your going, and they might not want you back another year. but trap you inside they cant do.
Or was that just a unfortunate way of saying, Can you leave when you want


You are free to leave when ever you like. They seem to be ok about coming & going.  :)

'The Gaffer'

Thanks for the info guys. I am on call with my job and cant take the risk of being stuck somewhere and not able to move without upsetting the organisers.


I have just realised I don't have confirmation about spaces. I will ring him tomorrow to see if we are down on the list?
I'm sure I filled the forms in? ::) ??? :-[

Is everyone still up for this one?  :)


Im still up for this one


Quote from: WALNUT on 27, August, 2013, 10:25:43 PM
Im still up for this one

The show or the showgirl? :D :D :D  :P :P :P


LOL.  Im sure that no car show will be quite the same after Bradley Stoke.


I rang them today. Left a message. I will try again tomorrow.  ::)


Sorry can't make this one ...... on holiday in Ibiza. ::) :( 8)


I'm still trying to get hold of them at the moment to see about spaces.  ::)



Anyone who wishes to go to this next sunday please send me these details by personal message.
1, Your name.
2, your car.
3, Year & reg & engine size.

I need this by tomorrow morning to get you in.
sorry for the short notice. I will arrange meet up points for a convoy up there on wednesday eve.

Already going 1, moleman
                     2, Walnut

Many thanks Colin.


Looking like the convoy is going to be easy to arrange then Wallnut.  ::)


Colin, I've just PM'd you details. Assuming Jan is OK we will both be going, if not then I should still be OK.



No probs John I will send your details off.  :)



What has happened to all those who said they were going.


Bit of Dejavu I think mate? Must be too far away?  :P :P :P ;D ;)


LOL......Tetbury not moved since thyey put there names down.


Sprint 7

Ok , I did intend to go this weekend BUT I have to work on Sunday, for the first time  in this new job so I have to show willing or I may not get asked again .Sorry Walnut I was so looking forward to meeting your bevy of female admirers  :P :P :P :P :P
Ps , have a nice time ;D

Bulldog Bri

Looks like we are going to duck out of this one just to much going on here  >:(



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