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funny car stickers

Started by alastair, 15, June, 2013, 10:04:19 AM

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Ok, so I thought I would  start a topic where people can post unusual or funny car stickers.
Ones i have seen are:
"Honk if you're horny."
"Don't come knocking if the vam is rocking."
"Powered by fairy dust." - uh, how about unleaded???
"My other cars a porsche." - its not and you probably would recognise ome if it ran you over.
"If it doesn't rattle it's not a real mini"
"Lower than your grans nipples"

That should start things off so get posting some that you have seen.


Quote from: alastair on 15, June, 2013, 10:04:19 AM
"Powered by fairy dust." - uh, how about unleaded???

In my experience "Powered by fairy dust" = "Driven by Jabba The Hutt".


All tools removed at night - including the driver


I had "My other car is a escort van" on my TT about 3 years ago.  :)


Quote from: Grin-a-lot on 15, June, 2013, 02:06:41 PM
In my experience "Powered by fairy dust" = "Driven by Jabba The Hutt".
haha  btilliant! And so true.

I saw one today which said "lower than a midgets ball bag"


Not quite a sticker but appealed to my childish sense of humour.


Saw this on a mini on sundays briatol mini day.


Quote from: stevel on 15, June, 2013, 09:14:57 PM

Not quite a sticker but appealed to my childish sense of humour.

Place we used to live had a septic tank, and the guy that used to come round to empty it had a cracking slogan:

"You dump it, we pump it! No Jobbie too large!! :D :D


An old classic,this one


Driver carries no money - he's married.


If this car is being driven sensably please report it as stolen


You don't scare me - I got daughters!


Just seen one on a van which said "I wish my wife was as dirty as this!"    :)


'The Gaffer'

Quote from: Moleman on 04, July, 2013, 10:12:44 PM
Just seen one on a van which said "I wish my wife was as dirty as this!"    :)

Again, on a van.. "The driver of this vehicle has nuts, screws, and bolts"    ..Think about it :D


seen one at stoneleigh that said " I'm not lost, I'm bloody exploring"


Just seen. "Kids are for life. Not just for benefits!"


What do you call a man in a kit car? 
- Anything you like, he can't hear you!


I always liked the biker t-shirt with "If you can read this the wife's fallen off!"

My friend used to go around with business cards with

Please leave me a can opener next time you park next to me, assholes like you should take the bus!

Bulldog Bri


Quote from: Moleman on 04, July, 2013, 10:12:44 PM
Just seen one on a van which said "I wish my wife was as dirty as this!"    :)

I've seen that, but someone else added ' She is, but not with you!

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