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Slowly but Surely.....

Started by YellaBelly, 11, February, 2010, 10:17:17 AM

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Well, managed to get some more garage time at the weekend.

So far side panels almost ready to rivet in place, template cut for rear bulkhead so just need to cut out from 2mm aluminium and drill/rivet in place. Wifey not overly enamoured at the panelling so far (even though I explained the ethos of 'locost', i.e. the ally was free! - and it will hopefully look much better once painted up). Judge for yourselves:

Engine almost painted up and ready for connection to gearbox and then fitting back into car. Just need to shorten the oil pick-up pipe to match the shortened sump:

Once panelling done I can get her back on the floor and refit all the suspension, axle, wheels, brakes etc. (hopefully get all that done this weekend (except Sunday of course!)

Keep your fingers crossed for me guys.....:)


'The Gaffer'

Great work there JB.. Not long to go now mate :)

Bulldog Bri



Bit more done this weekend. OK, arches are only resting on the wheels and bonnet/rear panel are made of lining paper but it's giving me more and more incentive to crack on :D

Some minor mods to do to the trailing arms, got to replace the gearbox seals and clutch release bearing then get the engine/gearbox fitted. :) :)

Bulldog Bri

I did find that when I got to this stage, I spent a lot of time just sitting in it grinning  ;D

Nice work John, keep it up


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