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Started by Peet, 02, March, 2010, 05:30:35 PM

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Just joined the forum, recently bought a banham x21, just needs roof, windows and interior done to be complete, but its MOT'd and road legal!... Thought it's an easy project for an introduction to kit cars for me!

If anyone has an X21 or X99, would be interested to hear from you as would be nice to see a finished roof and windows before I attempt it!




Warm welcome !

Can't recall any Banham's on here so you are a first if I haven't lost my last marble.

Where abouts are you ? Post a Pic or two. Enjoy the forum and come along in tin top of kit.  ;D

'Mendip Wurzel'

Welcome to the forum. What is the difference between the X21 & X99, I know they are both Metro based.

'The Gaffer'

A warm welcome to the club Peet.

Were are you from?

As mentioned please feel free to post a few pics of your car. Maybe we will see you at a BKCC meet or event once the weather improves :)


Hi Peet and welcome to the forum.    Some clever bu**ers on here...me being the exception.

Hope to see you at a run-out in the Spring...if it ever comes!! ;D

Bulldog Bri

Hi and welcome to the club.

Good luck with getting the car finished



Hi and welcome.

Get those pictures posted :D



An X21 sold on Pistonheads recently and another one still for sale.  Is that the one you bought ?


yup, the one for 1250 with no roof, yet....

Incidentally if anyone has put poppers on a roof before, please let me know...


Bri ?  did you do that home built roof option from Locost forum ?  Poppers on that if the old memory is working this evening.

Peet - at least we know the colour now  ;)

'The Gaffer'

Quote from: Peet on 03, March, 2010, 08:33:54 PM
yup, the one for 1250 with no roof, yet....

Incidentally if anyone has put poppers on a roof before, please let me know...

Looks a nice car, post a couple of pics up :)

Bulldog Bri

Quote from: Richard on 03, March, 2010, 08:36:07 PM
Bri ?  did you do that home built roof option from Locost forum ?  Poppers on that if the old memory is working this evening.

Nope. But did do them on the first Bulldog many years ago. You were supposed to buy a special tool for the job but I found that if you splayed the shaft of the popper first a little then with the correct sized bolt you could tap out the rest till it rolled over and held the internal part in place..  ;)


David H

Bulldog Bri

Quote from: bulldog bri on 03, March, 2010, 09:35:24 PM
Quote from: Richard on 03, March, 2010, 08:36:07 PM
Bri ?  did you do that home built roof option from Locost forum ?  Poppers on that if the old memory is working this evening.

Nope. But did do them on the first Bulldog many years ago. You were supposed to buy a special tool for the job but I found that if you splayed the shaft of the popper first a little then with the correct sized bolt you could tap out the rest till it rolled over and held the internal part in place..  ;)


Just quickly put this together to show what I mean with the bolts. Hope it helps


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