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Hi guys n girls new to Bristol Kit Car Club

Started by driftindazza, 25, April, 2010, 08:59:27 PM

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Well new here, gotta a kit car and live in Bristol so made sense to join and say high !
Have a Dutton Phaeton Series 3 with Eagle body conversion.
2.0 pinto with turbo technics conversion, 5 speed box.
Started messing around with a website for the car, still in early stages, only started it today ;D web address is http://www.no1vip.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/
Anyway not even looked properly round this website yet, so off to do that now  ;)
Looking forward to catching up with you guys


Warm welcome Daz !

Have a good browse around, check dates of meets etc. and come along !

Martin Higgs

Bulldog Bri

Hello and welcome

Where in Bristol are you? and are you planning on Stoneleigh this year? if so, you welcome to join the run up on the Sunday.


'The Gaffer'

Hi Daz and a warm welcome to the club. Nice looking car :)

I was wondering too if you will be joining us on the Stoneleigh run?

Hope to see you and your car soon.

PS, I have modified your site link as it had an @ instead of a .



David H

'Mendip Wurzel'

Hello Daz,

Your kitcar looks good, nice condition. Look forward to seeing you soon.



Thanks for the warm welcome guys.
Looking in to coming along to Stoneleigh on Sunday.
Sadly not in the Dutton though as under going some work that wont be finished in time.
What time are you guys going and where from ?
Even if I cant clear a stoneleigh trip with the wife could still pop along along to where you are meeting up and say hello.
Thanks Phil for altering the link.
Martin, i'm in Whitchurch, close to Asda !
Thanks again guys, see some of you on Sunday hopefully.


Hi and welcome to the club. Good looking motor there :)



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