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Kit Car Heater from T7Design.co.uk

Started by T7Design, 04, May, 2010, 11:38:20 PM

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Hello fellow kit car enthusiasts,

In short I am one man band operation designing, building and selling heater systems from my workshop (or flat, as my partner likes to call it), however I also work as a freelance mechanical engineer when I'm not busy packing boxes in my living room. Despite not officially having a workshop there are many bonuses associated with my current premises which include next to no business associated overheads, a 42" LCD,  a leather couch, and the cider in the fridge is never out of arms reach! Anyway, how many people can boast about such luxuries at work...?
Needless to say, even with such privileged amenities, many hours are spent on research and design to create a superb range of heater systems for specialist car builds, modified cars and restorations where every last detail must be right.
The business was started in December 2009 and is still very much in its infancy, however I already supply systems to a number of kit manufacturers and there are a few more showing keen interest in offering a complete off the shelf system for their customers.

Please see the product pictures at the bottom of the thread.


Lightweight Heater: £99
This is the most basic version of the design and is therefore the cheapest, It is supplied with 4 outlets of either 44 or 51mm sizes. All units use a standard 190cfm (303m3h) fan or they can be supplied with a 253cfm (404cfm) unit at extra cost. This is also the lightest version, weighing in at just 1150grams. The output of these heaters is approx 3.5kw. These heaters are the smallest and lightest heaters available on the market and give an output comparable to units twice their size.

Modular Heater: £119
The Compact Modular Heater has been introduced as an upgrade to the original 'Lightweight Heater', it has been redesigned to incorporate modular flexibility that allows the unit to satisfy a wider range of user requirements. The heater unit retains its svelte proportions and output, but now has various compatible outlets, lids and mounting brackets available for the user.

CNC Machined Bulkhead Adapters:£15 & Spacers: £4 for four
These bulkhead adapters are CNC machined from aluminium billet. They step the hose size up from 1/2" ID, which is used on my range of heaters, to a more common 5/8" ID which is a common size used on most water control valves. The laser cut aluminium front panel is used to stop the CNC fittings from rotating when being installed and also serves to space them apart at the same distance as the fittings on the radiators. There is also a narrow spaced version available if the heater is not being installed on a bulkhead. The bulkhead fittings and spacer plate can be polished with very little effort.
The spacers are used to offset the heater from the bulkhead the required distance to give enough clearance for the nuts on the bulkhead hose adapters.

Other products:
Stainless steel outlets for 45 and 50mm hose sizes. £7ea (without angled bracket in pictures).
Plastic rotatable and shutable vents for 45, 50 and 60mm hose sizes. £9ea
Heater ducting in 45, 50 and 60mm sizes. £11, £11.50 & £12 / metre respectively.
Heater hose in 1/2" and 5/8" sizes. £3, £3.30 / metre
Stainless steel worm drive clips for all the above sizes. £0.50ea

Products available later this year:
3 speed fan & servo controller board.
Servo operated outlets in 50mm size - only compatible with modular heater.
Servo operated water control valve.
7kw Modular heater.
Micro heater <800grams.
Plastic demister underside vents.
Stainless steel demister vent tops.

There is a 10% discount to all the above prices for forum members.

Please feel free to openly discuss my products below and I shall try my best to answer any questions, or feel free to call me on 07595 975 777.
E-mail: designeng@hotmail.co.uk



I have just fitted one of these heaters to replace an old Mini unit when the matrix went. The flexibility is great and no problems with the quality but the size really wins out when you are trying to squeeze it in. I think this is a great product at the right price.

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