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Progress with my Aries Locoblade

Started by Iainl, 18, July, 2010, 10:59:54 AM

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At long last some real progress :D

Managed to get a hand yesterday to drop the engine into place, now it's starting to look like a car.

Also found time to fix the rear bulkhead into place, the powder coating on the internal panels looks realy good, but on the down side I now have to paint the rivets I've used to fixs these panels.

Plans for today or for the following week is to fix the fuel line into the tunnel and fix the tunnel sides into place and take a look at the gear linkage.

The only down side to yesterdays activity was that we tightened up the rear dive shaft nuts and now I cannot turn the driveshafts. :-[

Any it could of been worse at least it's only one step backwards.

Here's a couple of photos

Bulldog Bri

Some good progress there Ian. Nice to see it coming along.

Aren't you putting the brake lines long the tunnel as well while you have access?



Quote from: bulldog bri on 18, July, 2010, 01:52:47 PM
Some good progress there Ian. Nice to see it coming along.

Aren't you putting the brake lines long the tunnel as well while you have access?


Well spotted, but I already have the brake line and the loom fixed in place in the tunnel.

'The Gaffer'

Excellent progress Iain.

Couple more days and you'll be on the road ;)

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