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Another newbie

Started by probablyleon, 10, March, 2011, 02:20:22 PM

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Hi, I'm based in Bath and have a Fisher Fury. Until last summer (and my very first trackday) it was powered by a Honda Blackbird. Four laps in, it gave way, causing fairly major fire damage. I'm hoping to be back up-and-running in the next month or so. (with a Yamaha R1 engine).

Very pleased to see such a healthy local kit car following in the area and look forward to making some new friends at some of the events posted on this site.



Hi Leon,

Welcome, bummer about the old engine but gald to hear you'll have it back on the road in time for summer (if it ever comes)!


Hi there and welcome o know how it feels blowing an engine at least I managed to do the whole track and it let go few days after



Hi Leon, Welcome to the club. and good luck with the refit.



welcome fella... felt the pain in 2009 on northampton motorsports rollers :(

'The Gaffer'

A warm welcome Leon, look forward to catching up :)


A very warm welcome Leon..  Lots of things are sent to try us.  But we get over them eventually.

You have now joined the best club in the UK, so with the support and good responses you will feel at home getting your car up and running again... 8)

                                               Cheers......  Denzle... ;)
Im the one with the short fat hairy legs...big gut... and balding head... you cant miss me when we meet up..... ;D

'The Gaffer'

Quote from: Denzle on 10, March, 2011, 04:29:41 PM
Im the one with the short fat hairy legs...big gut... and balding head... you cant miss me when we meet up..... ;D

No room for self-flattery in this club Denz :))  ;) ;)


With that description everyone will think your me  lol



Quote from: WALLNUT on 10, March, 2011, 05:02:26 PM
With that description everyone will think your me  lol


They say everyone has a twin..... ;D.  I pitty you.... :-*


Daley Down Under


Hi Leon, welcome to our club.    Hope you get your car up together soon and come out for a drive with the boys.

I'm from Frome so "just up the road" from you. ;)


Bulldog Bri

Hello and welcome. Gutter about toasting your car. Good luck with the rebuild hope your back on the road soon.



Hi and welcome. Looking forward to seeing the car.



Hi Leon

Sorry to hear about the engine letting go on the track day hopefully R1 power will be more reliable.  Please feel free to comment on your experience on the Track Day Disasters thread.


Hi and welcome to another local

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