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Nearing completion

Started by Sprint 7, 12, March, 2011, 10:24:01 PM

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Sprint 7

Just thought that I would let you all have a look at my S7, as I'm almost finished I hope.Bought as an unfinished kit, so yes i have almost done everything again,and a million other jobs in between as well inc .totally refurbing a T2 Vw Camper.


'The Gaffer'

'Mendip Wurzel'

Sounds interseting, got any photos.


We'd love to have a look mate, but pictures are quite useful ;) :)

Sprint 7

Hi Yella,I've found that photos are very good and I thought that I had posted some.Being  a luddite with these computer thingies they could be anywhere o n the website so have a scrabble around and you may get lucky OR not .Cheers Bud.


Got the piccies now mate. Sweet looking car. Intrested in how you did the piping on the carpeted tunnel, I want to do the same to ours but not sure how best to do it.



Hey its looking good so how long till you are on the road


Not far to go now!.....looking very nice. ;) ;)

'Mendip Wurzel'

Glancing through the photos it looks as if you have built this car to a very high standard.

Looking forward to seeing it at one of our meetings.

Sprint 7

   :DHi the piping all around the car is dead easy.I used round 2 core lighting cable for the core, folded the vinyl tightly around the core and pinned it in place, then stitched it on an ordinary sewing machine with a single sided foot on the machine.(Ask yer mum or missus if this is confusing) OR yo can simply stick the vinyl together with contact adhesive and squeeze it together between 2 pieces of clean timber in your vice SIMPLES!! All the carpeting is stuck on 4mm WPB (waterproof) plywood shaped to fit.If you need any help I'll do a trade with my wiring as previously mentioned.


Nice one....Cant wait to see it.

                  Denzle.... ;)

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