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Started by TimC, 04, March, 2011, 02:13:28 PM

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Hello All,

My girlfriend and I are in the process of looking for a property to rent near Bristol - we're not too far away as it is - just over the bridge.

I've had numerous 7-type kits before - MK, MNR, Striker, Locost racer etc.  My current project is an Autotune Gemini which is in the very early stages and is effectively on-hold awaiting funds.
I've got a blog which is 'ere: http://timsmnr.blogspot.com/

I'll hopefully get along to an event once we're moved.  Incidentally, if anyone knows of a nice property to rent in a rural location within c.30mins of the M4/M5 junction, please let me know!



hello and welcome to the best kit car club around your blog is very interesting and what a nice car you are building


'The Gaffer'

Hi Tim and a warm welcome to our club. Nice blog you have there.

Good luck with the build and please feel free to post some pics in a BKCC gallery.

Good luck with the move too :)


Hi Tim, welcome to the club.



Hi,Tim and Partner....

Wishing you a very warm welcome to the best club in the Uk......I know that we may be able to help you, but I think with your experiences and your splended blog ,we can share more than just cars to talk about.... 8)

Hope to meet up very soon and get the jaws a wagging.

                                                                 Cheers.....Denzle... ;)

'Mendip Wurzel'

Welcome Tim .... I liked your blog / website



Hi Tim and welcome......nice to have you aboard. ;)


Bulldog Bri

David H


Thank you for the warm welcome!  It's quite 'painful' seeing you all bringing your toys out of winter hibernation and even doing your first track days of the year!

Off to see a property near Nibley tomorrow so fingers firmly crossed!

Daley Down Under


Welcome and good luck with house move



The house was no good... please keep your eyes peeled and ears to the ground.





Thanks everyone fpr the welcome.  Richard - I think we may have spoken on the phone about 18months ago when I was looking at the Legend?

Does anyone know Kingswood, Wooton-Under-Edge at all?  Any comments?

Daley Down Under


Wotton under Edge - great if you enjoy walking or riding a push bike and there's some good country roads.  Strong local community with a few pubs, shops and a small cinema.  Not much else but pleasant residential areas.  One good school - KLB and two golf courses (one at the top of the hill (Cotswold Edge) and one at the bottom (Cannons Court)).  Dont know much about Kingswood but others will.

IMHO Thornbury is better but I would say that.



Quote from: MarlboroCar on 16, March, 2011, 11:37:31 AM

IMHO Thornbury is better but I would say that.


We missed out on a place in Thornbury by 20mins on Friday! :(

'The Gaffer'

Quote from: TimC on 16, March, 2011, 10:10:14 AM
Does anyone know Kingswood, Wooton-Under-Edge at all?  Any comments?

I would have a look using Google maps, but maybe you have already.

Thornbury and surrounding is nice, Kingswood is more populated and I wouldent call it rural.


Quote from: 'The Gaffer' on 16, March, 2011, 02:02:55 PM
Kingswood is more populated and I wouldent call it rural.

Really - are you sure you're not confusing Kingswood, Wooton with Kingswood, Brizzle?

'The Gaffer'

Quote from: TimC on 16, March, 2011, 05:03:20 PM
Quote from: 'The Gaffer' on 16, March, 2011, 02:02:55 PM
Kingswood is more populated and I wouldent call it rural.

Really - are you sure you're not confusing Kingswood, Wooton with Kingswood, Brizzle?

Ooops you are right :-[


Happy happy - moving to Kingswood, Wotton-Under-Edge on 01/04!!!!

Daley Down Under


Congrats - good news



Well done.....hope you will be happy in your new house. ;)


'The Gaffer'

Good news. Enjoy your new home :)

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