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New arrival

Started by Restorer79, 29, May, 2011, 10:46:49 PM

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Hi all: Just found & joined the site so thought i'd say hello.
My name is Andy & i'm based in the Foothills of the Brecon Beacons in South Wales. I trained as an Auto Electrician so hopefully can help someone out.


Hi Andy and welcome...glad to have a auto electrician aboard!! ;)



Hi Andy, and a very warm welcome to the club.

Its great to have a sparks on board.   Brecon, Ah, my army days on the beacons sitting on the gun soaking wet.  Thats where the sun never shines. lol
I was at Sennybridge Barracks..

          Hope we can meet up some day even though your a distance away.

                                                     Denzle... ;)

'Mendip Wurzel'

Welcome to the club Andy..



Welcome to the club Andy, hope to catch up at one of the meetings / events soon.


'The Gaffer'

Andy, although you offer to 'Help out' - this is not the place to freely advertise your business at £17.50 per hour.

I have edited your post to reflect this until such time you can assure me your services are free to our members in line with our community ethics.

BKCC Admin.


Hi Guys: Thanks for the welcome, much appreciated.
Hey Denzle: The Beacons did get some Sun once, unfortunately I was out so missed it ;D how far away from me are you now ?
Hey Rich you never know mate, we may get to meet one day but depends what area of the country your in.

Gaffer: I did'nt put an advert on your site for work, I don't want it & sure don't need it. All I did was refer people to my site so they had an idea who they were dealing with & who was offering them advice, maybe I missed something in your profile area that allowed people to tell others a little about themselves. You obviously did'nt take that much notice of what you were reading either, or you would have known that was no longer the Hourly rate.
Anyway no matter, just remove my membership then there won't be any more problem.


Quote from: Restorer79 on 30, May, 2011, 04:26:12 PM
Hi Guys: Thanks for the welcome, much appreciated.
Hey Denzle: The Beacons did get some Sun once, unfortunately I was out so missed it ;D how far away from me are you now ?
Hey Rich you never know mate, we may get to meet one day but depends what area of the country your in.

Gaffer: I did'nt put an advert on your site for work, I don't want it & sure don't need it. All I did was refer people to my site so they had an idea who they were dealing with & who was offering them advice, maybe I missed something in your profile area that allowed people to tell others a little about themselves. You obviously did'nt take that much notice of what you were reading either, or you would have known that was no longer the Hourly rate.
Anyway no matter, just remove my membership then there won't be any more problem.

Hi Restorer79
                       I am quite a distance from you at Evesham ,Worcestershire. So it may be difficult to meet unless something comes up for both of us.

                                        Cheers....Denzle... ;D


I didn't realise you were a Pongo Denzle! Between you and Hairy Santa I'm feeling a bit outnumbered as the only matelot here!

'The Gaffer'

Quote from: Restorer79 on 30, May, 2011, 04:26:12 PM
Gaffer: I did'nt put an advert on your site for work, I don't want it & sure don't need it. All I did was refer people to my site so they had an idea who they were dealing with & who was offering them advice, maybe I missed something in your profile area that allowed people to tell others a little about themselves. You obviously did'nt take that much notice of what you were reading either, or you would have known that was no longer the Hourly rate.
Anyway no matter, just remove my membership then there won't be any more problem.

Andy, you told us nothing about your interest / connection with kit cars (after all that's what this club is all about, or haven't you read our forum ;) ) A first post with a link to your business website - That could be taken as blatant spamming don't you think?.

If you are happy to keep your business links out of further postings and are happy to simply get involved in the banter..  then can I offer you a warm welcome to our club with no hard feelings?


Come on lads ..... kiss and make up, there was no harm done really. :-*


Quote from: Grin-a-lot on 30, May, 2011, 07:41:22 PM
I didn't realise you were a Pongo Denzle! Between you and Hairy Santa I'm feeling a bit outnumbered as the only matelot here!

Whats a Pongo then, thats a new one to me.    Im a Brummie by birth.....or is that something to do with the army, as your a matelot ;D


'The Gaffer'

Quote from: Grin-a-lot on 30, May, 2011, 07:41:22 PM
I didn't realise you were a Pongo Denzle! Between you and Hairy Santa I'm feeling a bit outnumbered as the only matelot here!
Quote from: Denzle on 30, May, 2011, 11:47:32 PM
Whats a Pongo then, thats a new one to me.    Im a Brummie by birth..... ;D

I hope I've got this wrong but Wiki say's.... And I quote....

Pongo, a derogatory slang name for British Army soldiers, used particularly by airmen of the RAF, "Where the Army goes, The Pong goes"

Matelot Grin-a-lot surely has to walk the plank for that ;D

Hairy Santa

Naughty naughty, but sad to say its true due to lack of washing facilities in the middle east (water in somewhat short supply)

and not only in the days of conscription

so where are all the brylcreem boys hiding

surely cant only be 3 of us that  took the Queens shilling

and welcome to the madhouse Andy - dont mind that lot, I'm the only sane one on here  HE he, ha ha, ho ho - no nurse please not the straight jacket again

:'( :-* :-\ :-X :-[ :P ::) ??? 8) :o :( >:( ;D :D ;) :) :'( :-* :-\ :-X :-[ :P ::) ??? 8) :o   


QuotePongo, a derogatory slang name for British Army soldiers

Spot on, apart from the derogatory bit! Army, RAF and Navy are known as Pongos, Crabs and Matelots repectively; they're not used offensively anymore. While we're having some interservice rivalry I believe there is a RAF-type around here...


Yeah-I was a pongo, in the artilliary known as drop shorts/long range snipers or grid  square removal limited. SP M107's.Fire 147lb shell,27 miles. So I remember-a long time ago!


Well I'm still a pongo even though it's not really a term used any more mate lot is still used and we still call the RAF troop transport crab air



I reckon yellabelly might be RAF as well, so there's a few of us service types! I'm currently a matelot and I work on a ship being built in Glasgow.  We're due down in Portsmouth next year so if there's any interest we could have a run down to the dockyard & have a tour of some warships while we're there...


You dont have to be mad to join this club....But it certainly helps.

I was perfectly sane when I joined, now Im no where near the full shilling.... ;D... ;D.... ;D

                                             Denzle.... :P

'The Gaffer'

Quote from: Grin-a-lot on 31, May, 2011, 10:57:12 PM
I reckon yellabelly might be RAF as well, so there's a few of us service types! I'm currently a matelot and I work on a ship being built in Glasgow.  We're due down in Portsmouth next year so if there's any interest we could have a run down to the dockyard & have a tour of some warships while we're there...

I really like that idea :)


You are bang on there Darren, well almost. I WAS in the RAF, did 25 years for my sins, that's a lot of Brylcreem Pete ;))

Like the idea of the visit though. :D



Right.....Stand to attention lads and hear this.

YellaBelly is on a downer because of his propshaft problems, so jump on his posting and cheer him up a bit...   He could do with it...

         Thats all...Stand at ease....  Denzle... :-*


Incoming, strength one!


In all my years of military service,I only worked with the RAF only once,can't remember what exercise or what year it was, we doing a parachute jump out of the back of a herculease,over Salisbury Plain.All our jumps went well,no problems, the second or third plane was going to drop the light gun,which they did, but the shutes did not open!Splat one light gun on Salisbury Plain-no one hurt,just one of those things. I like the idea of going to look at some war ships. In fact,failing that we could go to Portishead lake and I will get my other toys out-a 7 foot  fully working model including helicoptors of HMS Hermes (took me 5 years to  build  it or a fully working fibre glass model of a Russian Typoon submarine, about 5.5 foot in length. Us boys and our toys!


Quote from: foggy on 01, June, 2011, 09:01:48 PM
In all my years of military service,I only worked with the RAF only once,can't remember what exercise or what year it was, we doing a parachute jump out of the back of a herculease,over Salisbury Plain.All our jumps went well,no problems, the second or third plane was going to drop the light gun,which they did, but the shutes did not open!Splat one light gun on Salisbury Plain-no one hurt,just one of those things. I like the idea of going to look at some war ships. In fact,failing that we could go to Portishead lake and I will get my other toys out-a 7 foot  fully working model including helicoptors of HMS Hermes (took me 5 years to  build  it or a fully working fibre glass model of a Russian Typoon submarine, about 5.5 foot in length. Us boys and our toys!

Fantastic, would love to see them when I get chance hey......Denzle... :P


Well next year I'll put a post up and we'll go down to Portsmouth sometime in August and I'll take you around my ship. If any of my mates are there as well we'll get on their ships too and make a day of it.  If anyone's in Glasgow before then you're most welcome to come and see it being built.

Foggy; those models sound incredible, definitely like to see them sometime too!

'The Gaffer'

Quote from: foggy on 01, June, 2011, 09:01:48 PM
In fact,failing that we could go to Portishead lake and I will get my other toys out-a 7 foot  fully working model including helicoptors of HMS Hermes (took me 5 years to  build  it or a fully working fibre glass model of a Russian Typoon submarine, about 5.5 foot in length. Us boys and our toys!

Looks like we will be doing the warship tour next year, cant wait :) In the meantime, I for one would be interested in seeing your big boys toys Foggy. Should we make an event of it?


Looks like we will be doing the warship tour next year, cant wait :) In the meantime, I for one would be interested in seeing your big boys toys Foggy. Should we make an event of it?
Yep, agree totally!


Quote from: 'The Gaffer' on 02, June, 2011, 12:00:00 AM
Quote from: foggy on 01, June, 2011, 09:01:48 PM
In fact,failing that we could go to Portishead lake and I will get my other toys out-a 7 foot  fully working model including helicoptors of HMS Hermes (took me 5 years to  build  it or a fully working fibre glass model of a Russian Typoon submarine, about 5.5 foot in length. Us boys and our toys!

Looks like we will be doing the warship tour next year, cant wait :) In the meantime, I for one would be interested in seeing your big boys toys Foggy. Should we make an event of it?

Thats a brilliant thought Gaffer.   See if it can be put into action please.

                                   denzle.... ;)


Both of the models have not seen water for a couple of years,I will see if I can find some time to get them out and check them over,they should be alright,maybe I will have to replace the batteries. On the meanwhile I will dig some photographs out and perhaps someone will post them for me as I still can't do it. I suppose at heart, we are all big kids!

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