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Self-sorted car!

Started by paintman, 11, June, 2010, 11:59:45 PM

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My Hoods sorted itself out!!! ;D ;D

I posted that that I couldn't get it to rev. past 4000rpm and that it struggled to 90mph (on a private road of coarse).
I changed the cam., the  distributor, ign module and rebuilt the carb. all to no avail.

Yesterday I was giving it a bit of stick in third gear, I stamped hard on the throttle at 4000rpm because it annoyed me not revving as usual when it suddenly 'TOOK OFF',.....gave a jolt screamed up to 5500rpm seemingly  instantly hitting 90mph still in 3rd, scarred the s*it out of me!! :o

Tried it again by stamping on the throttle.....went like a rocket, thought it was rapid by my standards before but now its in a different league!!

Any explanations.....


David H

a conker stuck under the throttle pedal.

'The Gaffer'

Frayed throttle cable, rusty pedal shaft, carpet under the pedal, incorrect position of throttle cable on pedal?

Let us know what you find.


Finally roasted the potato someone stuffed up your exaust?  Seriously though, loose baffle or somthing.


Does it only rev past 4000 when you 'stamp' on the pedal or can you feather it through the sticking point?

Might point to the right area.


Only when i stamp on it.   Gradual pressure like "normal" driving won't do it.

Maybe this is where the term "stamp on the gas" comes from!!......he obviously had the same problems. :P

'The Gaffer'

Sounds like a pedal travel problem to me


I'd be inclined to disconnect the throttle cable from the engine end and try the smoothness of the pedal and full travel. Certainly sounds like a cable issue to me or at least a cable travel fault.



That sounds a good idea i'll try that tomorrow.....well today actually.  I'll report back. ::)

'Mendip Wurzel'

If you are getting full throttle when the pedal is fully depressed then it could possibly be water or something blocking one of the jets. Possible carb strip down, clean out float chamber and blow out all of the jets with an airline if you have one. I have had similar problems with outboard boat engines in the past.


I disconnected the throttle cable at the carb. (weber dgav manual), and pushed down on the pedal ..... smooth as silk.   I took all the slack out of the cable with the adjuster and by looking at the carb whilst pushing the pedal to the floor I could see it was fully opening the flaps as I also tried by hand to open them more but couldn't.

Road tested it ..... exactly the same!!!!

I think it could be the carb.....accelerator pump sticking maybe or general play in the linkages. At least its working better even if it is not exactly progressive throttle response!! ;D


'The Gaffer'

Nothings ever as easy as it seems with a kit car, as Kevin says sounds like a carb strip or replacement :(.


I've already stripped it down and replaced all the jets and diaphragms, changed all the gaskets and blew it through.......but there is some slack in the linkage.

Not too worried about it at the moment.....see if i can pick up a better carb. maybe or bike carbs would be good!!

'The Gaffer'

Or thottle bodies and fuel injection ;)


Now your talking!!!!! :P :P

I'll have to save my pennies for that thou.; me being a poor builder in a recession!!

'The Gaffer'

Quote from: paintman on 13, June, 2010, 11:59:10 PM
Now your talking!!!!! :P :P

I'll have to save my pennies for that thou.; me being a poor builder in a recession!!

Haha, no such thing as a poor builder in my experience ;D

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