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Hey hey

Started by Bennym, 16, October, 2010, 10:06:17 PM

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Hi all

I thought i should join a good club/forum as i intend to build a kit car.

This will be my first kit car (when i finally decide upon a kit).

I work a few days a week with Dave at Track Developments so may of met a few of you at our open day earlier this year. I don't come from an extensive back ground of exotica like Dave but i do have experiance working with Sierra Cosworths and a whole host of French cars!

I'm sure my path will cross with quite a few of you at some point so, until then......

'The Gaffer'

Hey Ben, a warm welcome to our club. I'm sure you will get all the advice you need here.

PS, My Riot is still running really well after you guys set it up.


Hello and welcome Ben ;D


Hello and welcome. Let us know what your decision will be regards the type of car you will be building. :D



Hi Ben.Welcome to the club.  Why not get a Westfield or a Hood and shove a Cossie in it.  It would be a great car for road or track! :P


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